Why Super Carnival?

Press Releases

We’ll shoot your Release to musical press outlets that fit the type of music you release, as well as all the major ones, of course!


Physical Releases

We handle CD and Tape releases (Vinyl too if your music is reaaaaaally good). At no cost to you.


Digital Releases

We’ll get your music out to every major streaming platform under the sun.


Emotional Releases

We’re here to talk, to strategize, to comfort, to jam! Whatever you need, we can probably help.

super carnival recordings is an athens, GA based digital and tape label.

We are artist-owned and dedicated to giving local artists a platform to release their music from. We take a collective-based approach to music and art creation, with the desire to provide promotional and monetary resources for musicians and artists. Any and all profits from our releases go back to our artists or towards future releases.

SCR was founded in the home studios of J. Anderssen and Sam Herring, and pulls heavily on the DIY recording ethos of the historic Athens Elephant 6 collective.

We release our music digitally through a partnership with Soul Perch Records.

for questions, booking, and promotional inquiries please email supercarnivalrecordings@gmail.com